So, here is our really crappy attempt to explain why we've been MIA for the past, oh I don't know, two weeks...
Well. We've been thinking a lot, then not really saying much, then talking, and then back to thinking. And all this thinking is about a new direction for our little blog here. What direction is that you ask? Well, we're not really sure yet, and we know that's not a good answer, or an excuse... or anything really. All we know is that things are going to change around here and change for the better. We aren't sure what that even means yet, but we promise we're getting there.
So, there was our really crappy attempt to explain what's going on. We sincerely apologize for our lack of posts, but thought you all deserved an update. Please, please, please hang in there with us. And stay awesome.
i love your blog A LOT, don't change too much ;-)